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Understanding of the structure of the narrative, offers orientation on the long-term value of engagement, and the manner in which to engage, to achieve Communication Power.

Category: TRIBAL

Characterised by intense debate, tribal narratives are driven by personal experiences or commercial perspectives, bringing divergent POVs.

The vast majority of this debate, this flow, has no impact. Far less than one percent of content in such a narrative, will have any significance.

Although it is easy to be a participant, it is far more difficult to be a player or leader in such narratives.

This narrative has mass participation, but poor definition. Nobody is quite sure what the conversation is really about. Nor, does the majority of existing content successfully provide definition or focus.

Whilst there’s a lot of buzz, there is a lack of clear direction.

Content Efficiency is a measure of the extent to which the existing narrative content is significant. High content efficiency means that much existing content is significant, whereas a low score means there is a gap between the needs of the narrative, and the currently-created content.

Affect Orientation

Affect Orientation is a measure of the degree to which the narrative stimulates an emotional response: active or passive, positive or negative. Most narratives are simply neutral, and do not provoke any emotional response.

Narratives such as this, which are driven by an active, negative engagement, will polarise opinion. Although they have the power to grow, to maximise long-term power, they must transform from destructive and oppositional, to positive and creative.

Understanding of the most powerful content, and visibility of content with proven Communication Power, assists in the development of strategy for both content creation and curation.

Content Power Index

Content Power is a measure of the power of individual pieces of content, to capture and to drive engagement with a narrative’s core themes. This measure is independent of volume.

This narrative has mass participation, but poor definition. Nobody is quite sure what the conversation is really about. Nor, does the majority of existing content successfully provide definition or focus.

Whilst there’s a lot of buzz, there is a lack of clear direction.

Understanding of the emotional resonance of the narrative, and visibility of content with proven Communication Power, assists in the development of strategy for both content creation and curation.

Affect : Emotional Response

Affect is a rich measure of the emotional tone of the significant content. Understanding of the emotional drivers empower you to better understand, and respond appropriately to, the emotional impact of the narrative.

In this chart, positive emotions are highlighted in green, whereas negative emotions are red.

If there is a clear tonality to the emotions expressed, such as expectation or apprehension, these are shown in purple.

The intensity of the colour indicates the intensity of each emotion.

The width of each arc reflects the degree to which the named emotion contributes to the overall emotional response.

Broad emotions, such as fear and love, are closer to the centre of the chart. The more subtle emotions, which contribute to those broad emotions, are shown in the concentric rings further out. Moving out from the centre, each ring shows a further level of detail.

Understanding of the media which most efficiently drives engagement assists in development of focused, cost-effective media strategies—whether that involves traditional media spend, or the strengthening of relationships with emergent media channels.

Media Power Index

The Media Power Index ranks media voices according to their power to lead debate and perception.

Media Power is not a volumetric measure. Often, the most popular media, are not the ones with the strongest impact on topical engagement.

Content Power is a measure of the power of individual pieces of content, to capture and to drive engagement with a narrative’s core themes. This measure is also independent of volume.

Click on a bar in the chart to view the powerful content form the related site. If there is no listed content for a site, this means that, whilst the site itself has significance in the narrative, there are no outstanding individual pieces of content.

TitleContent PowerPublication Date

Explore the content with the greatest Communication Power.

Visual Explorer

Experience the most significant content via the images which amplify its power.

Topical Drivers

Understanding of the key topical drivers of engagement assists in understanding the most powerful themes of the narrative.

Early access to features we have under development. These features may or may not be included in future product releases. We welcome your feedback on these features.

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